SDF’s 2024 Spring Plant Sale is a single-day, family-friendly event, offering a wide variety of carefully selected herb, fruit, flower, and vegetable starts for purchase to get your 2024 garden going and growing! All starts are seeded and tended by the SDF crew with intention and using practices consistent with our growing philosophy. Purchasing locally nurtured starts for your garden space means that you can feel confident that any starts you take home can thrive right here in Middle Tennessee. Not sure what varieties are right for your growing needs? Our farming family will be on-site to help answer all of your budding questions. Guests will be able to purchase a wide variety of starts for spring and summer harvests, including: Brassicas, Lettuces, Onions, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, Squash, Melons, Dyeing plant varieties, Flowers, herbs, and more!
Plants will be offered in a combination of 4-inch pots, 4-packs, and 6-packs, with prices ranging from $4-$12. The Spring Plant Sale is anticipated for mid-April and will take place on the farm, against the backdrop of our own bustling production spaces!